What is Pinterest Pin it | Video Hindi Urdu « MastFun4u Inc: Software, Books, Education And Technology

29 Apr 2016


What is Pinterest Pin it | Video Hindi Urdu

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What is Pinterest? 

Pinterest is basically a website categorized under social media sites. It's unique kind of site. Most of the web masters use it in order to get more traffic to their blog or site. 
I first listed in from a YouTube Video saying that get referral traffic for you blog. In my opinion this is search engine kind of site because when I used it I found for Hair Styles and the result was amazing. Believe me, It gives best result for your search. The most shared things on this site are images and videos. You can share any kind of pictures over there. If you want to get visitors from this site to your site then you may post links there which will give you a high quality backlink and page view. 
Pinterest is a fast growing social media website, in it's first 10 month it hit about 13 Million users hundreds of brands are using this site even if you focus on sharing icons in blogs or websites you will see a button for pin as well.
It is emphasized that piterest drives more traffic than YouTube, Linkedin and Twitter. 
Next lesson of course is How to Get Traffic to Blog Through Stumbleupon and previous lesson is How to Purchase Domain (From Go Daddy and Local Personnel)

Now as you have known much about it lets get started with it and learn how to use it. on Facebook we share something but on pinterest we use word PIN IT in order to keep that post saved to our profile. In our computers there are folder to categorize our stuff the same thing on pinterest is called a BOARD. All the pins may be added to boards, in other words we can say that board is a collection of pins. 

How to get traffic from Pinterest?

In order to get traffic from it just go and create your account on it. Now complete your profile information, If your more file is properly and 100% complete then chances of your pin to appear more are increased. 
The extra benefit is that you can get a backlink by adding your site in your profile. The site will have to be verified and for that you will have to put a HTML code into your blog or site's header. 
Here if you want to drive traffic to your blog then go and create a pin then categorize it and publish. You have option to give a link directly or upload from your PC. The video embedded above give more clarification however that is in Hindi or Urdu language but may be understood by anyone through visualizations. 

Now what you have to do is just wait for friends to go to your site's post. What you need to do is just follow the others and pin others post to get the same back. 

I hope you have learnt about What is Pinterest? and there is no question in your mind but if it exists then let me know through below comment box. I will post about getting traffic using Sumbleupon very soon. 


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