What is Go Daddy | How to Register Domain | Video Hindi Urdu « MastFun4u Inc: Software, Books, Education And Technology

29 Apr 2016


What is Go Daddy | How to Register Domain | Video Hindi Urdu

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What is Domain?

There are main two types of Domain. 
1) Sub-domain
I made this site on Blogger, In starting it's URL was mastfun4u.blogspot.com here this address of site is a sub-domain becuase it contains blogspot. It may have contained wordpress, drupal, weebly, joomla and tumblr.  
2) Premium Domain
Domains which do not have any sub-domain such as mastfun4u.com (does not contain blogspot) is called a premium domain. In order to change from sub-domain into premium domain we will have to purchase domain which may cost from about 15 dollar depending on your type of domain. 
Premium domain may end with org, edu, , gov, pk, in, tk, cp and much more if you purchase each of them has different rates. 

This is Lesson 17 -- Visit Step By Step Blogger Tutorial Here 

Next lesson of course is How to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to New Blog and previous lesson is How to Make Money by Blog (With and Without Google AdSense)

What is GoDaddy and How to Regester Domain?

Go daddy is a service provider's website they they sell domain for your professional or personal blog or site. The most sold domain is .COM. This site for domain registration is the best one because I have seen many of the blogger who use it over all it is most used site. My own blog is not register with them but I am thing of transfer domain to godaddy and most probably I will shift sooner.

In order to register domain for blogger blog at first have a look at video embedded here I hope you will get the entire way of it. Or go to your blog's dashboard then to Setting and chose Basic then find the option to register domain option under Publishing area then you will find the sites which are providing domain and then choose godaddy rest you will understand your self. You can get free domain from freenom.
You may contact us we may make you buy domain find us through contact us page.
go daddy domain registration

Why to Choose GoDaddy?

The main reason is that you just need to register domain all other setting for blogger domain transfer will be made by blogger and godaddy's team. 
They provide 24/7 support.
If you have coupon you will get discount.
They are providing hosting too (They charge for it)
They provide brand e-mail address.
Over all this is reliable organization. 


The main benefit of domain is that you will get more traffic as compared to sub-domain. The sites which have premium domain they look good. You may purchase it for one year and more and after one year you may renew it. 
I hope you have learnt to buy a domain but if you have a issue then feel free to contact us but if you want to talk about this specific topic then please do mention it in subject line.



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