How to go live on Facebook: Broadcasting Live on Facebook Using Android « MastFun4u Inc: Software, Books, Education And Technology

20 Jul 2016


How to go live on Facebook: Broadcasting Live on Facebook Using Android

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How to go live on Facebook using Android phone 

Consistently, competitors, performers, lawmakers and different influencers use Facebook Mentions to impart and interface with their fans, and more than 900 million individuals are associated with open figures on Facebook. 

Today, we're eager to present Live, another path for open figures to impart live video broadcast from Mentions to their fans on Facebook. With Live, open figures can take fans off camera, have a Q&A, offer declarations, and that's only the tip of the iceberg — all progressively. 
As an open figure, you can utilize Live to: 

Develop and connect with your fan base. 

Whether you have a set up fan base or need to develop your crowd, Live is another route for you to associate legitimately with your fans at the time. When you begin a Live video, it will show up in News Feed for your fans to remark, as and offer with their companions. Individuals who have as of late interfaced with your posts will likewise get a warning when you begin your telecast. 

Cooperate specifically with fans and other open figures, continuously. 

Amid your show, you'll see the quantity of viewers and an ongoing stream of remarks from individuals tuning in. You can react to remarks live amid the telecast, or shroud remarks. 

Keep your video for fans to see later. 

After your show has finished, your video will be distributed to your Page so that fans who missed it can watch at a later time. On the off chance that you'd rather not keep the video, you can likewise expel it from your Page whenever.

Getting Live on Facebook

Note: You should have a Facebook Page to get live on Facebook if you don't have to and grab it.
Go to you 
  1. Go to Options (button at right corner as shown in above image)
  2. Select a Page you want to go live with
  3. Click post in order to go live
  4. Click Go Live button to get live 
  5. Enter description and get connected (optional)
Note: you may record live broadcast of 30 min.

A recently update shows that Facebook is paying more than $50 million to publishers and celebs for live streaming, this is what Mashable said. 

Need Help?

I have tried to decribe it to my level best but if you need further help I am right here to help you, ask questions through comment box below. question should be relevant to Facebook live broadcast if not relevant then contact via contact form

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