WiFi Keeps Disconnecting And Reconnecting - FIXED « MastFun4u Inc: Software, Books, Education And Technology

10 Mar 2017


WiFi Keeps Disconnecting And Reconnecting - FIXED

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How to Fix/Solve Wifi keeps disconnecting and reconnecting frequently: This problem seems like an serious matter in Android Devices but actually this is not a big deal we have solution to fix it. At first we shall know the reason then find out the ultimate solution to solve this. This issue may accure in many versions of the Android. Such as kitkat, marshmellows, ice cream sandwitch, jellybeans, nougat etc. nonetheless it is fixable and the steps are very easy

Why Does My Wifi Keeps Disconnecting and Reconnecting

Wifi Sleeping Policy may be the most obvious reason of this issue due to which wifi keep disconnecting and reconnecting. This feature was made to save your phone's battery life. So while your phones goes to sleeping mode it disables a lot of things which consume more power and so your wifi is switched off over and over.

I will consider this function of android as a good thing for data connections because it saves our phones charging and cellular data.

Solving WiFi Keeps Disconnecting Frequently

Reason for problem has been defined above. Now we have to Fix/Solve that problem. In order to manage Wifi Sleeping Policy and stop wifi from disconnecting again and again follow following steps.

How to Fix Wi-Fi Keeps Disconnecting Android

  1. Open Wi-Fi Connections
  2. Go to Wi-Fi Advance Settings
  3. Tap on Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep
  4. Select Always
  5. The matter is solved
However you will find three option under Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep, Always, Only when plugged in and never (increase data usage) respectively.

Threre are many other issues which are related to wifi in android operating systems in mobile and tablets. I always try my level best ot solve android issues and problems, in this post I have done the same so that issue of wifi keeps disconnecting and reconnecting frequently could be solved completely. Never the less if you have any other question regarding this problem you may ask us through using below comment box.



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