10th Class Results 2017 - BISE Karachi « MastFun4u Inc: Software, Books, Education And Technology

4 Mar 2017


10th Class Results 2017 - BISE Karachi

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10th Class Results 2017 Karachi Board www.bsek.edu.pk -  Find Board of Secondary Education Karachi (BSEK) 10th class SSC part 2 result 2017 online directly from the main website of Karachi Board which officially announces the same per schedule or time table. A lot of male and female students participate in annual examinations of Matric Result 2017 which we call SSC Part 2 result 2017 karachi board for science group is one of the most awaiting result among students in Karachi.

How to Check 10th Class Results 2017 Karachi Board

Simply go to the Official Site at www.biek.edu.pk and find out Results.
10th class results 2017
This board was established in 1950 and since then the board is the supreme authority is responsible for conducting examinations and then announcing the result of Matriculation. Thousands of male and the female students of government and private schools take part in Matric exams every year. You can find here SSC part 2 result 2017 Karachi board science group at aforementioned place. The 10th Class result 2017 by Board of secondary education Karachi is expected very soon.
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Karachi is a seperate entity of sindh having controling authority as a Chief Ministor of Sindh or the one nominated by him. Head Quarter is located in Karachi, Pakistan and the papers are given in Urdu, Sindhi and Enlgish Medium/Language. The faculties provided by it are pre engineering, medical, computer science, humanities, commerce for regular and private schools and collages. There are saveral institutes which are affiliated by Karachi board. Some of the most known collages are D. J. Sindh Government Science College, Sir Syed Government Girls College, Commecs College, St. Joseph's College etc.The Board has also the power to organize, regulate, develop and control the Intermediate Education. The list of come other institutes is Paradise Commerce College, North Nazimabad, Adamjee Government Science College, KarachiAisha Bawany Government College, Aisha Bawany College (dj Waqas), Al-Ghouse Polyetchnic, Institute, Orangi Town, Karachi (Evening), Allama Iqbal Government Boys College (Evening), Allama Iqbal Government Boys Science College and much more.

Mastfun4u.com Just shares information regarding the results we are not responsible for any error or omission.



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