JiffyUpload is a solid basic amazing file hosting service. Have any record your exercises require at Jiffy Upload whether it is business or individual. Impart records to your companions, family, clients, or a large number of individuals around the world. In case you're searching for a simple to utilize, secure and stable facilitating administration, look no further. We conveys fabulous facilitating administrations. Our free facilitating administration is incredible, however in the event that you might want significantly more components like quicker downloads, more storage room and definitely no promotions, you can move up to a Premium record furthermore gain cash doing as such. Why not agree to a free record and begin to have your document here today!
To what extent does files get put away?
Your documents will be put away 90 days after the last download as a premium part. In the event that you are an enlisted client without premium status, your records will be put away until no less than 45 days after their last download. A document that was transferred namelessly (that is not claimed by any client) will be erased no sooner than 30 days after the last time it was downloaded.
What is the most extreme size I can transfer?
Unregistered clients can transfer documents no bigger than 100MB, enrolled individuals can transfer up to 200MB for every record and premium can transfer records as large as 500MB.
Which files are permitted to be transferred?
All documents that don't disregard our terms of administration or the laws of concerned nations. This implies documents disregarding copyrights, or containing erotic entertainment, are prohibited and will be evacuated when we take note. On the off chance that you see such records, we would be happy on the off chance that you advised us: Simply document a manhandle provide details regarding our front page.
We give compensate focuses for downloads of your file which is stored on our File Hosting Service. The more downloads your documents get, the more focuses you will make. You can recover your focuses with the expectation of complimentary premium administrations or genuine cash. For more data, visit our JiffyUpload Rewards page