How to Make Money Blogging With AdSense and Others « MastFun4u Inc: Software, Books, Education And Technology

12 Feb 2016


How to Make Money Blogging With AdSense and Others

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Earn money blogging in Pakistan, India or any coutnry is not a difficult job if you have created a blog and receiving traffic to it, then you must monetize your blog. You can earn with or without AdSense using advertisements or affiliats. When you show any organization's ads on your blog that is called monetizing, and that is the way through which you earn. More earnings are gained when any visitor clicks on any ad. 

This is Lesson 16 -- Visit Step By Step Blogger Tutorial Here 

Next lesson of course is How to Purchase Domain (From Go Daddy and Local Personnel) and previous lesson is How to Get First 20K Page Views in First Month of Blogging

Where can you put ads on your site?

If you see your blog layout there are several places to show ads. Best of those placements are sidebar, header and between post body, but you can put ads anywhere on your blog. 

Where to get Ads from for your blog?

there are several companies who are furnishing Ads to serve on your blog some best of them are describe below.

Google AdSense Ads

Undoubtedly, Google AdSense is the best way to earn with blogger. Its rates are higher and its best feature is that it always shows relevant advertisement on your blog. For example if your post is about Facebook then the ads shown would be of Facebook or any social media and if you write about Mobile device then the ads will Mobile related.
If you have a free hosted sub domain like Blogspot or Wordpress, if make no difference to Google. Hence traffic may be lower as people don't give more value to sub domains.

How to get Google AdSense approval?

AdSense approval is very easy if your contents are real, your each post has about 400 and more words, and you are receiving more than 300 page views daily which is only possible with keyword usage and SEO. 
Note: In few countries AdSense may only be approved for 6 month old blogs.
I have told in above paragraph that you should have your own and real content but this is not enough your contents should be quality contents so that your visitors become you fan and love to read in other wise your bounce rate will increase your site reputation will fall down.

Can you earn without AdSense?

I had to write this question in my post so that my audience could understand that earning without AdSense is possible. 
You can use Google AdSense Alternatives and Affiliation to earn with blog.
Getting approved your blog with AdSense is a bit difficult. If your blog has real, original and unique articles and you are receiving organic traffic (Traffic from search engines) then Google will easily approve your blog. 

What are Google AdSense Alternatives?

If you are not being approved from Google then you can use others who are providing the same services but there will be difference of ad click rate, and earnings will be bit less as all other advertisers do not always provide related ads.

Earn Using Infolinks

Infolinks is a website which allows you to show their ads on your site. This site is said to be best AdSense Alternative as this shows not only banner ads but ads in text in addition these days it is showing pop ups as well. It allows you to places ads in any area of your blog. This gets a little time to approve your site.

Infolinks has an other benefits that you can using it along with Adsense. I have seen many blogger who are using both of these to gather. I would strongly recommend not to be greedy and if you have AdSense then you are lucky so try to use it solely.

Earn Using Revenue hits

Revenue hits is the second best alternative for earning online with a blog. In the past it used to show bad ads due to which very less blogger were using it but these days they are showing good ads which make a very good revenue. I recommend you if you don't get approved with AdSense and you have a software or multimedia site you should use this.
This gets approved in seconds and you can start earning faster.

Earn Using is the an other AdSenes Alternative, this ad service is being provided by Yahoo network therefore it is trusted. You can make good amount with it if you are sincere to blog earnings. This site does not directly show their ads on your site but it conforms first whether your content are useful or not. So try make just quality contents so as you could make better earnings.

Earn Using Chitika

This is similar as all above are, it last few months it raised higher in the world of blog monetizing but now it is not that famous but still may of blogs are using it, the good thing of chitika is you can use it with AdSense. 

Earn with Adhitz

Adhitz seem to be a high paying advertisers as they show on their platform a map which shows earning rate as per country, but there is a issue that it shows most of its ads about Making Money Online which is best for those whose niche is about blogging and earning.

There are many AdSense Alternatives which may be found on Google very easily. 

Recommended: How to Add Ads on Blogger Blog

How to Earn with Affiliated Products?

There are several companies which provide you their banners to put on yours site, and provide you commissions when any sell is made. Some of affiliation provide impressions earning too. 

Earn with BuySellAds

BuySellAds is the best of affiliation kind of earning but it demands more traffic than usual. I have seen most of the senior blogger they are using it more than AdSesnse. If you have more traffic and page views then you are really going to earn double.

Showing Native Affiliations

There are different kind of products which are being sold around the world, The ads are provide only to a blog for specific page or post or for full site. 
In Pakistan we can use Daraz's links which are very useful for country wise earning. However Google always show native ads but you can use an additional affiliation along with AdSense.

There are many other Affiliations for blogs.

Selling Your Own Product

If you are owner of a blog which represents your Brand or you are selling something on internet, you must increase your traffic and viewership so that you could sell your own product on internet.
Selling your product on internet will be more beneficial if you share posts on Facebook because from there you can get massive traffic who will later be made customers. 

Using Pay Per Download

We have already described in our post. If you are owner of a software or games downloading website or blog you have an amazing way to earn which is using PPD mean Pay Per Download. Which means you will start earning with every download of your blog or site's software.

Final Words

I hope you have learned to earn via blog or website with or without AdSense. I hope you don't have any question in your mind if you have please feel free to ask via below comment box. You may see How to buy a domain name from here.


  1. Dear Boss. mje abi tk mere ksi b swal ka jwb nhi mila i think ap bzi hun gy . its ok ...... Dear sir mn pochna chahty hain k adsense aur Revenuhits dono se same time mn earning kr skty hain???

    1. Best to ye hai k sirf aur sirf adsense use kiya jaye but agar ap koi aur use karna chaho to Chitika ya infolinks use kar sakte ho aur affiliate bhi use kar sakte ho but revenue hits nahi use kar sakte

  2. Helo Sir Agr hum aik var revenuehits sy approve krwa lyty hein aur 3 months baad hum adsense k lye apply krna chahty hein to kya hum krwa skty hein?



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