Best SEO Tips and Tricks for Blog Post | SEO Basics « MastFun4u Inc: Software, Books, Education And Technology

18 Jan 2015


Best SEO Tips and Tricks for Blog Post | SEO Basics

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SEO tips and tricks for blogger blog post are very easy to do. Here we are going to introduce basic and even some Google provided opportunities to apply SEO trick for our posts, this will help you in driving more traffic to your blog.

What will we use for SEO here?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a way through which your site or blog appears on the top of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo etc. This takes place due to the keywords used in your site or blog, however those who want to Earn by the blog they wish their blog to be appear at the most top of search engine may use this as more audience would reach at their site. 

Post Title Optimization

Post title are very important in the office of SEO because when someone searched in Google for a particular word it fetches results from matching words and if those words are available in your post title the Google robots will show it on the top results. See image below.

Inserting Keywords in Permalink

The URL of a post is called "Permalink" its example is as below. In Google I searched for "Make Money with Mastfun4u". There in below snap the Green colored is permalink of my post.  
In the above given image where the post is being written, you can see at the right side, the large red rectangle is showing particular link for the post URL, There are two options.
  1. Automatic Permalink 
  2. Custom Permalink
Automatic permalink is the link which is automatically added as per your post's name.
Custom Permalink is the link where you can set your own, there is the point for SEO trick you need to put keywords right there. Remember you will have to give hyphen (-) between every word otherwise it will show you an error.

Inserting Keywords in Search Description

In the above main image where post is being written you may see a red rectangle saying "Search Description" There you may put your desired keywords for search engine optimization. 
The above given image with blue highlighted area is the area where your Search Description keywords will be shown, 

Inserting Keywords in Post Body.

The keywords in post body are useful if they are added in first and last paragraph of the post. 
Note: In body do not use more than one keyword in 400 of words paragraph, use second in next paragraph of 400 and so on.

This is Lesson 12 -- Visit Step By Step Blogger Tutorial Here                    

In SEO for blog you will have to enter the keywords in blog post title, permalink, in first two and last two lines of post and it the meta tags, further video will describe better, video is in Urdu language but you may understand the basic by watching it. then please let me know if there is any question or suggestion.

Meta Tags

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "#"'><meta content='#' name='description'/><meta content='#' name='keywords'/></b:if>

I hope that this seo for blog post is useful for you. These are those tips which I had learnt one by one from several website and from seniors who write about it. I also hope that if you are interested in doing research on seo yourself this this is good idea other wise there are several Local SEO Companies as well.


  1. Really informative and useful stuff. Thanks for providing tips and tricks.I'll surely follow these tips and tricks to get more traffic on our website.
    I am new in the blogging world so your tips are of much importance.

    With Regards

    Naveen Kumar

  2. its post too good


  3. Google Adwords start a campaign automatically starts when i start the keyword planner how i go to tools of keyword planner

    1. In google directly search for keyword planner hopefully this will not lead you to adwords campaign but if it takes then find there option for kayward planner. sometimes interfaces change but tool may still be accessed.

  4. Hi sir i need meta tages Please Give me

  5. Thanks for this insightful post. Can you make Complete SEO Tips for Blog Post in English language? It will be helpful for me.

  6. Good collection. Really it helpful for us. Please update more.

  7. Hi sir i wanna ask something in keyword planner there is no tools button whenever i sign in to o keyword planner only campaign is open and no tool button plz give me details about it and solve this problem

    1. Waseem there must ne a skip button, you should have not gone far to compaign.

  8. Building a website that can be found by your potential customers is a daunting task.These tips were really informative . Thanks!

  9. post keyword wala meta tag to de bhai .

  10. hi sir how sir i want to want to know about the meta tag please help me please your cell numbers

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